Trotter's Blog

Friday, August 25, 2006

Part II: Thinking and Acting. During the past week, I have implemented the use of the classroom projectors. Marlys helped me revisit the beauty of "Edocs" so that my students can access and print materials for class. My webpage is updated. Also, LINK CREW has a webpage as of a few days ago. And I have witnessed Maura using Powerpoint to make a vocabulary program even better. Fellow cohort bloggers, thank you for the insight, advice, encouragement, and validation. Regarding curriculum, depth has been a vital word for me this week. I am trying to stay within my limitations regarding management without sacrificing creativity.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

"Is honesty the best policy?" I've been thinking about implementation regarding technology(i.e.-blogs in class, web page usage, web quests, information access, projectors, etc....) After witnessing many amazing colleagues and their constructivist approaches, I am contemplating. Where should I focus and spend my time creating? Quality is an operative word when thinking about students' education while using, implementing and managing technology? I must think and act.

Monday, August 07, 2006

21Century Day1/ Reflections

My operative word for the day- revival. The ideas and possibilities that this wonderful group could help birth excite me. As Prufrock would say," ...Do I dare?..." My emphatic answer is yes! Revitalized educational pedagogy can enhance the skills of the "...Flat" American student. The World Is Flat suggests this idea in portions of the text, and I believe it remains vital for future generations. I must take a risk and challenge, or I am a diservice to these current and future students.

The World Is Flat reveals the observations of Friedman that truly localize the technological advances in the last seventeen years. From UPS to Wal-Mart and from Bangalore to China, Friedman illuminates the thirst, hunger, and passion of those around the world that are communicating, publishing, and rising up to push businesses and information access. Am I enhancing the "thirsty" students that I teach? Outsourcing and the varied economic impact for America is interesting and challenges me to think about future students' skills and potential. Friedman did proclaim that the technology that is being created will allow for more jobs to be created in some areas outside of some industries. Change is exciting.