Trotter's Blog

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Honoring the Learning Process Article made me reflect upon my teaching and the essential learnings that I teach. A majority of my teaching practice is a "...predominant institutional response..." The article challenges me to shift my paradigm so that I will create a teaching environment in which the students may "adapt" so that I may foster genuine exploration.

In my American Literature classes, the limited discussion that arises from some of the activities surrounding literature appears to stem from my lame implementation of the activities. Also, many students are not reading so they are hesitant to contribute to the overall discussion. Other aspects regarding writing and vocabulary appear as if they have more interest from students. I must relinquish and allow the students to create structure for the discussion and analysis for the literature. My freshman classes have interacted well during fishbowl activities. I need to rethink my juniors. Again, I return to the idea that "Everything Speaks" and I must be malleable with my teaching approach, and I need to let the students contribute to my teaching vision as well.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger annes said...

Remember, this is all a learning process for you, for your students as well as you sharing your feedback with the rest of C1 and C2 so we can learn from you. Keep o truckin'. You are always an inspriation to me as well as many of your colleagues.


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