Trotter's Blog

Friday, August 25, 2006

Part II: Thinking and Acting. During the past week, I have implemented the use of the classroom projectors. Marlys helped me revisit the beauty of "Edocs" so that my students can access and print materials for class. My webpage is updated. Also, LINK CREW has a webpage as of a few days ago. And I have witnessed Maura using Powerpoint to make a vocabulary program even better. Fellow cohort bloggers, thank you for the insight, advice, encouragement, and validation. Regarding curriculum, depth has been a vital word for me this week. I am trying to stay within my limitations regarding management without sacrificing creativity.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger annes said...

Way to venture forth..Any help you need don't be afraid to ask. We are all here to encourage and support one another even if it means trips to the wrestling room. You are doing great Trotter and let me know if I can help with some brainstorming. It would be cool to hear what you are doing and considering trying.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger A. Bradley said...

Trotter, I love how you are feeding off of others. You are like a shark. I am trying to absorb some of this information and would love to hear more. Keep it up.


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