Trotter's Blog

Friday, September 08, 2006

Single-gender or single gender? At the second single gender meeting, I was encouraged to think about what I want to focus on for the year. Unfortunately, I have not completed all of my class blogs, but I thought that blogging could help the single gender girls English 9 class that I teach. As we partner with D.U., it will be interesting to experiment with technology and tactics within the classroom. Blogging could allow for the girls to express themselves regarding the class and its hindrances and benefits. In addition to empowering these students, the anecdotal evidence could be truly telling and insightful-helping us to rethink our instructional approach with all students.


At 4:38 PM, Blogger T Sale said...

It might be interesting to have the girls' class blog on their own for a while, and then "cross-blog" with the all-boys class, and see if you notice a difference in their comments.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger annes said...

I agree with Terry because I think they have been given a wonderful opportunity to be in a specialized class and it would incredibly powerful for them to look back and reflect each week on what this class has done for them, compare it to their other classes. Have them even think about changes or suggestions they have. I also think it would be neat to partner with Denise or even a regular class and see the comparison between the two.


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