Trotter's Blog

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thanks 21c2!

Thanks for the 21C2 Session today. As I venture into each unit or text within my deignated curriculum, I am influenced to rethink how the technology I am exposed to in 21c2 can increase student quality, investment, and production. Vision, Google Doc, and Podcasting seem like logical first steps to validate students and allow them additional forums to react with purpose. It was inspiring to see other's strategies (Kitch, Smith, Kleeman, etc...) and pedagogy regarding the aforementioned items.

Monday, February 12, 2007

"Sincretic vs. Syncretic Questioning"

A portion of Chapter 6 Principle #3 Seeking And Valuing Students' Points Of View states," The timing and content of teacher's mediations greatly affects the willingness of students to reveal their thinking." This quotation made me think of Mr. Kleeman's wonderful oration during one of our group conversations concerning a prior reading in 21c2 last November. Mr. Kleeman detailed "syncretic questioning" and revealed how synthesizing two items can create relevance and purpose for students. He described a cross-curricular writing activity that incorporated waves or particles and redemption. Wow! Mr. Kleeman does not waste words, and he is masterful when validating students' oral and written responses.

Unfortunately, I am guilty of questioning without purpose; I have been called a "sincretic questioner". When I have attempted to use this method via short writings about literature that my classes investigate, thoughtful writing and conversations begin to emerge. I will continue to attempt to create "syncretic questions" that push the students to validate their thoughts through relevant connections. Thanks Mr. Kleeman and Chapter 6.